
The Bond is solely aimed at professional investors such as Sophisticated and High Net Worth Investors,  Institutions, Family offices and Sovereign Wealth funds.


$2,000,000,000.00 European Medium-Term Bond



GlobeInvest Ventures Limited (GIVL), an India and UK based business entity with a strong focus on investments, including traditional, non-traditional and start-up ecosystem, is partnering with GAP Trade Finance PLC on the placement of listed Series 1 and 2 of a $2Billion bond, maturing on 31 August 2024, the series 1 being in the amount of USD 500,000,000 .00 (USD 500 M) and Series 2 being in the amount of USD 80,000,000.00 (USD 80 M). At the core of the venture is provision of funding for businesses and projects in countries such as India, Israel, Middle East and other fast-growing economies with whom the UK has strong investment links, such as Commonwealth countries that the UK seeks to reinforce post-Brexit investment strategies. The purpose of the bond is to “encourage free trade, fund infrastructure, trade finance and provide solid guarantees to individual investors.” In the words of Tony Gimple, Co-Founder and Director, GIVL – “We want to help create long-term, intergenerational wealth, through Hi-tech Innovative Businesses, Highly scalable start-ups, and growth oriented Projects across various geographies.” The bond is aimed at professional investors, such as HNIs, UHNI, Certified Sophisticated Investors, Institutions, family oces, Funds, large corporates who are into cross border trade and would like to park funds in foreign exchange to secure themselves against volatility and exchange fluctuation risks.

The Bond

On September 22nd 2022 GAP Trade Finance PLC, a newly formed UK registered company, listed Series 1 and 2 of a $2 Billion bond, maturing on 31 August 2024. The bond has been issued via the Vienna Stock Exchange for a 2-year fixed term.

Key Features

  • Offering 10.25% (gross), per annum paid quarterly
  • Two-year initial fixed term
  • Minimum investment of $500,000.00

Security Features

  • Trade finance profits are used to fund the underlying projects, this separates clients’ capital from the project risks
  • The capital is collaterally insured and Guaranteed through AAA Moody’s and investment grade securities held by GNMA Asset backed Fund Series LLC , USA ( called the Guarantor ) and GNMA Asset backed Guaranty Trust , USA ( called the Trustee) . Please visit www.gnmaassetbacked.net for more information.
  • The bond issuance is arranged, promoted, and overseen by a UK FCA Regulated investment bank. Please visit www.bluewatercapital.co.uk and www.gaptradefinance.com for more information on the arranger and the Issuer of the Bonds respectively.